Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Apologize

I apologize for a few things this evening. I just found out that my web page is throwing up a bunch of errors and you can't see anything! Sorry about that. Technical issues. We are working on it, so please just email me if you are wanted ANY information about photos or need to get your prints.

I also apologize for the late blog. We had a wonderful day today, and I really wasn't even going to open my laptop until I was informed my website was down so I felt obligated. Our dear friends, Matt and Jen, made us breakfast this morning. Then I went running a few errands with Jen while the boys sat around a fire and watched some awesome trucks bounce off some trees and go up and down the ravine. Jayden got cold, so Jen and I came back to our house and made soup and cookies. Now I am trying to watch the Colts game and blog. Great day!

So I apologize again, because this is going to be a short blog so I can get back to my great day, and my colts!!


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